You found 8316 newsreels for query "military airport"

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"military airport" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign newsreels № 3443 1973

News, 11 footages, duration: 0:11:43, published: 2/15/2016


Belgrade, meeting with D. Biedichem etc.

Yugoslavia - Meeting Brandt with Tito on Brijuni.

Ireland - The opening of the memorial plaque at the military airport in memory of the three pilots, who was the first to cross the Atlantic by plane from the East to the West.

Annals - pilots.

Finland, the Soviet

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Aus Dem Generalgouvernement Filmbericht № 23693 1941

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:13, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1


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... Cerinthus.

Shelling of the Greek positions.

Tanks in battle.

The Germans in the city of Ioannina.

Crossing the river.

The bombing of the Greek airport.

Chasseurs on snowy mountain roads.

The meeting of German and Italian soldiers on the highway.

Field Marshal Liszt signed the act of capitulation ...




Poland, reserve, animals

Germany, Navy, visit, airport, military commanders

Africa, World War 2, military leaders, personalities, troops, artillery, desert, prisoners concentration camp

Greece, World War 2, invasion, mountain, road, river, airport, tanks, soldiers, generals, celebrities, captive

Die Deutsche Wochenschau № 665-2 working material 1943

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:11:49, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1


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... fight Bolshevism.

Italian volunteers.

Estonian volunteers.

They take an oath.

The volunteers in the campaign.

They're coming car.

Fragments of military action, skirmish

Spanish-French border.

The composition of the wounded.

The train station of Irun.

Loading the wounded.

They go on holiday to ...


War 2 World, soldiers, wounded, pets, teaching, medicine, Air Force, Navy, explosion

Soviet War World 2, military equipment, river

Germany, world war 2, Air Force doctrine, military leaders, airport

Soviet War World 2, volunteers, vehicles

World War 2, wounded, railway, recreation

World War II 1944-1945

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:02:13, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 World War II

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German plane takes off from the airfield.

Airplane parts - kr.

Plane on the runway.

Airplane in the sky.

German pilots at the airport, sit in the planes take off.

Planes in the sky.

Scene №2 World War II

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German aircraft "Heinkel" in the air.

Airplane in the woods nearby - the Soviet military.

People at the airport.

Scene №3 World War II

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The Germans were at the airport at the aircraft.

Aircraft - cr.

The visit to the USSR Milka Planinc 1985

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:56, published: 2/12/2020

Scene №1

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July 3, Sheremetyevo airport, Chairman of the Federal Executive Council of Yugoslavia Milka Planinc down the ramp, she was greeted by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR N. And.

Tikhonov, IV Arkhipov, Ya. P. Ryabov, V. B. Balmont, Boris Bugaev, T. B. Guzhenko, N. T. Kozlov, M. A. Sergeichik ...


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... Affairs D. Strbac.

Laying a wreath at the Lenin mausoleum.

M. planinc on the tour in the office of VI Lenin in the Kremlin.

July 5, M. planinc at the airport in Tambov, it is accompanied by Ya. p.

Ryabov, N. N. Rodionov, V. P. Loginov.

Meet: 1st Secretary of the Tambov oblast Committee of the CPSU E. M. ...

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... of the Executive Committee of A. I. Ryabov, a pioneer delegation, etc.

Laying flowers to the Eternal flame at the war memorial.

M. planinc Tallinn airport, she is met by the 1st Secretary of the Communist party of Estonia Vaino K. T., Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of ...

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... at the Eternal flame at the monument to soldiers-liberators.

Tour of Tallinn.

July 6, M. planinc in the Kadriorg Palace.

Moscow, Sheremetyevo airport.

Military parade in honor of the return of M. Planinc home.

N. And.

Tikhonov says goodbye to M. planinc at the ramp.


Minister of the machine tool industry of the USSR (1981-1986), Hero of Socialist Labor, a veteran of world war II.

Bugaev B.P. -- Soviet statesman and military leader, chief Marshal of aviation, 2nd Minister of civil aviation of the USSR (1970-1987), twice Hero of Socialist Labor.

Guzhenko T.B. -- statesman

Arrival W. Churchill and Harriman A. Moscow 1942

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:36, black-white, published: 7/28/2016

Scene №1 Arrival W. Churchill and Harriman A. Moscow

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... diplomatic personnel, representatives of foreign embassies are on the airfield, passes Marshal SK Timoshenko British transport plane stops at the airport after landing.

W. Churchill out of the plane, greeted with VM Molotov Churchill and Molotov at the plane.

The plane are A. Harriman, British General ...


Scene №2

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The US military is talking at the airport awaiting the arrival of W. Churchill Tymoshenko SK talks with diplomats and the military.

Churchill at the airport after arriving in Moscow says the welcome speech, standing in front of the microphone (synchronous translation into Russian language subtitles) ...


Sverdlovsk Airport 1986-1992

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:05:01, published: 12/19/2014

Scene №1 Sverdlovsk Airport

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Scene №2

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Passengers on the airfield (shot through the iron fence) ..

The passengers in the baggage claim hall.

The reception area.

Scoreboard airport security camera.

Passengers in the waiting room.

Sleeping passenger.

Passengers with children.

People leave the coffee shop "Jubilee".

Two men (in knitted hats ...

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... the cooperative "The Aviator."

The man with the child in her arms.


Passengers descend on the plane.

Passengers are on the transition of the airport.

Sheremetyevo Airport 1995-1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:11:40, published: 5/17/2013

Scene №1 Sheremetyevo Airport

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... from the windows.

Road to Sheremetyevo airport.

Airport building.


Table flights.

People with things.

Preflight inspection, registration flights (many shots).



People in the lobby of the airport (lots of shots).

Checking luggage.

The airport, cars on the road.

Stavropol airport 1998

Footage, 4 footages, duration: 0:08:45, published: 2/20/2018

Scene №1 Stavropol airport

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The square in front of the airport of Stavropol.

Pass cars.

Scene №3 Waiting room at the airport of Stavropol.

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Waiting room at the airport of Stavropol.

The girl at the kiosk.

Passengers read newspapers.

The men are at the counter in the buffet.

The passenger buys champagne.

Passengers are looking out the window at the planes.

Airplane and bus on the take-off field.

Waiting room view from above.

Kiosk post-telegraph ...

Scene №4 Stavropol airport bus stop

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Airport "Cheremshanka" 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:09:36, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Airport "Cheremshanka"

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Krasnoyarsk. Airport "Cheremshanka."

Spring runway.

Landing passenger jets.

Hangars and helicopters.

Airport building, targeted plan.

Airport within.

People wait for the air ticket at the box office (many shots).


Airport "Cheremshanka" airfield, aircraft

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