You found 743 newsreels for query "mysterious sunset"

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"mysterious sunset" newsreels and historical clips

Cosmonautics. A black hole named Powehi 2019

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:28, published: 11/9/2022

Scene №1 Cosmonautics. A black hole named Powehi

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... around the world, whose radio telescopes are synchronized by ultra-precise atomic clocks, earthlings for the first time saw an image of the most mysterious space object: a black hole.

Scientists did not doubt its existence, but they saw it for the first time.

A dark circle with an orange halo was named ...


Gods, Gurus and others ("Planeta segodnya" [The Planet of Today] magazine) 1990

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:45, published: 11/10/2012


About the mysterious religious doctrines of the Orient, religious feasts and traditions.

Reel №2


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... on the beach.


Sunset over the sea.

Candle burns near a sculpture of Buddha.

Animation: Candle in the background of the mountains.

Paintings by Nicholas Roerich "Mother of the World" and others.

Clouds in the mountains.

Worshipers stand in the water near the shore at sunset.


Harmony flicker noise 1990

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:20, published: 8/2/2016


A film about a mysterious phenomenon which wonderfully affects all aspects of people's life.

Reel №1

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The film tells about the physical phenomenon - the flicker noise, which is illustrated by shooting takeoff, a sunset, a musician, playing bass, pedestrian traffic on a city street, the opera house, the gaming machine and meter oscilloscope.

Russian space № 32 Spectrum-RG and modern cosmology 2012

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:29:46, published: 3/2/2022

Reel №1


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... supermassive black holes and the evolution of galaxies.

Sergey Popov talks about other tasks of the Russian observatory, including the study of the mysterious "dark energy", as well as about the most high-profile astrophysical discoveries of 2012.

Horizon № 22 1980

Newsreel, 4 parts, duration: 0:35:08, published: 6/16/2014

Reel №2

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The second part.

2-nd plot.


Type of laboratory of the Agricultural Academy named after KA Timiryazev.

A laboratory worker measures the egg, the thickness of the shell, and tests the eggshell for strength.

A crack in the shell, through which the pulsation of the heart of the embryo ...


Horizon № 5 1974

Newsreel, 4 parts, duration: 0:40:10, published: 6/6/2017


1. "Mysterious writings" - about how the ancient Mayan writings were unraveled.

2."Chatsky is me!"-a game story that tells who served as the prototype of Chatsky from the Comedy by A. Griboyedov "Woe from wit"

Reel №1

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Someone is trying to open the door with a lock pick.

The door opens and a man enters.

Shelves with old books.

"Mysterious writings".

Panorama of the expanded accordion with writing.

Manuscripts of the ancient Maya.

Photo By Yu.


Knorozov at the table studying manuscripts (photo).

Helicopter ...


Universal Newspaper Newsreel № 21814 1931

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:07:56, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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... Minister, sentenced to imprisonment for bribe dlitelnyysrok

A new way of identification of children in the nursing home, warning them confusing

Mysterious light pattern emerging on the wall of a skyscraper in New York.

Police quickly solve puzzles

US Secretary of State Stimson spends his day in Rome ...


Russian space № 26 Neutrino, ghost particle 2012

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:29:34, published: 3/2/2022

Reel №1

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... exceeded the speed of light.

And although this discovery was later refuted, the attention of the entire scientific world was again focused on this mysterious particle.

Why neutrinos are called "ghost particles", how and why neutrinos are studied and why the unique Soviet neutrino observatory is located ...

Pushkin. The Last Act 1986

Documentary, 4 films, duration: 0:35:32, published: 5/29/2014

Reel №1


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... Pushkin's duel is an eternal fact of public life without adjusting for time as a standard action, personal integrity.

And like any eternal theme - mysterious, and therefore require a decision from each new generation., The film starred Andrei Bitov, Stella Abramovich, Semyon geichenko, Alexander Kaidanovsky ...

A walk at sunset. Artist V. Borisov-Musatov 1992

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:58, published: 4/6/2023

Movie №1

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... (hood. P. Filonov).

"Dance" (hood.P. Picasso).

"The Scream" (hood. E. Munk).


Paintings by V. Borisov-Musatov: "In the Park", "A Walk at sunset", "Tapestry".

V.E. Borisov-Musatov."Self-portrait".

The house where the artist spent his childhood.

Photos of old Saratov.

Volga near Saratov.

"In ...


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