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"clean water" newsreels and historical clips

Corrosion protection of steel structures 1987

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:52, published: 3/1/2017

Reel №1


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Alternating frames with industrial landscapes.

Cars are driving through thawed snow.

A cartoon explaining the change in the state of metal in contact with water.

Shots with iron oxide on metal objects.

The spread of rust.

Corrosion in building structures.

The reinforcement loses its bearing capacity, the metal ...

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... in Moscow.

Work on the protection of metal structures of the landing stage.

Manual method of applying a protective coating.

Cleaning surfaces before applying paint.

The cleaned surface is dedusted, freed from the remnants of organic impurities.

High-quality performance of these operations will ensure ...

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... Atmospheric drying of parts.

With mass, in-line production of metal structures, metal rolling cleaning lines are equipped.

Shot blasting machine for cleaning steel sheet.

The sheet enters a special steel chamber.

Cleaning takes place with the help of steel or lead shot of a certain fraction.

The fraction gives ...

Reel №2

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... large-sized building structures.

From the cleaning site, the structures are delivered to the receiving position of the automatic line.

Then into the flushing chamber for degreasing.

Spray system.

The alkaline solution reliably washes complex structures.

Washing in clean water.


The structure is supplied ...


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... where in a few minutes the surface of the workpieces is cleaned from rust.

In the next bath, the structures are washed in hot water.

They are coated with a flux additive for better adhesion to the future coating.

Washed again, but in cold water.

Diffusion connection of steel and zinc.

This coating is ...

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... called tread.

To work in particularly aggressive environments, aluminum protection of steel structures is used.

The process of aluminizing begins with cleaning the metal in a shot blasting machine.

A large worker on the line.

The structure enters an electric furnace, into a bath with molten aluminum.

Passing ...


Die Deutsche Wochenschau № 694 1943

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:24, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №2


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... corpses of Soviet soldiers in the snow.

North Sea.

Hydroplanes are in the water, clean off the snow and ice with them.

Download shells takeoff.

Seaplane escorted convoy in the stormy sea.

Ships poured waves.

The sailors cleaned the deck of snow.

The appearance of enemy aircraft, anti-aircraft guns ...


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... German seaplanes, they accompany a German convoy.

The Germans were waving their hands.

Far seaplane reconnaissance "Blom and Voss" BW-138 sits on the water.

Comrades congratulates the crew from 1500-m flight from 1939 to 1943.

Presentation of wreaths and gifts to the hero-pilot.

The path to equilibrium. 1980

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:14:34, published: 6/8/2014


The film tells about the processes of industrial water purification at various chemical industry enterprises.

Reel №2

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... enterprise is a combination of local and group cleaning methods.

General view of the treatment facilities of the biological complex.

General view of the process of preliminary treatment of wastewater.

Water runs through the chutes, then undergoes mechanical cleaning, that is, a variety of suspensions are removed ...

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... removed from it.

The supply of water to the aeration tanks (treatment facilities), where it is returned to chemical purity.

An employee of one of the laboratories of the enterprise conducts water abstraction for the subsequent analysis of it for the composition of various substances in it.

A woman looks ...

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Active sludge from aerotanks (treatment facilities) under a microscope.

Laboratory workers at work in the laboratory.

Kind of flasks with water before cleaning and after.

General view of the river Kharkov (removed from the sailing).

Boats at the shore.

A group of scientists and designers at the mock-up ...

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... sewage.

Instead of the usual general runoff, closed cycles were used for each production.

This allowed to purify the waste water, and then again to put it into circulation.

The water cooling was changed to air cooling: so-called evaporators of cooling were applied.

Deer in the enclosures in the zoo of the ...


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... where impurities burn out, and coal regains its activity and returns to the process.

Water supply to ion-exchange filters, where calcium, magnesium and ions of other metals are separated from it.

Type of purified water, returned to production.

Production of complex fertilizers in one of the shops of the ...

Volga lights № 25 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:48, black-white, published: 7/4/2018

Reel №1


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... class in the sports section and non-working rides in the park (synchronously).

Non-functioning amusement park rides.

Children clean the leaves in the park, clean the water from the garbage in the pool.

The director of the park, A. N. Ozyukov, speaks about the duty of the park's bosses to repair the ...

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... the rides and about their inaction and negligence, about the help from the schools of the nearest district (synchronously).

Schoolchildren clean up the park, cut down dry branches.

Children's faces.

Types of alleys of the park.

Pleasure and cargo ships on the Volga River near Astrakhan.

Fishing vessels ...


Foreign newsreels № 1354 1966

News, 9 footages, duration: 0:09:38, published: 2/4/2014

Scene №2

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Kempbell D.M. -- British racer, the absolute world record holder for speed on water and on land.

German Chronicle 1939-1945

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:14, published: 1/25/2013

Scene №1 German Chronicle

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German soldiers collect water from a well, take care of the horses.

Smoke soldiers.

German soldiers clean boots, playing the harmonica.

Soldier rubs face cream, shoe polish, laughing soldiers.

A soldier in the tank to clean the streets.

Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 14 1973

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:06, black-white, published: 3/25/2014


Valentina Tereshkova, GT coast, Mikhail Suslov.


Production processes at the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant.

Complex facilities for cleaning and reuse of water.

River Voronezh.

Fishermen in boats.

The second pilot of a passenger aircraft AN-24 Airport Donetsk ZA Gavrikova with the crew from the aircraft

Reel №1


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... Tereshkova, GT coast, Mikhail Suslov.

[_] 7. Lipetsk.

Production processes at the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant.

Complex facilities for cleaning and reuse of water.

River Voronezh.

Fishermen in boats.

[_] 8. Pilot passenger aircraft AN-24 Airport Donetsk and ZA Gavrikova with the crew from the aircraft ...


Clean Monday 1992

Documentary, 7 parts, duration: 1:03:15, published: 8/18/2014


labor camp in Buryatia, the temple built by them, the priest, who did not leave the care of his people stumbled, and hoping to start a new life with a clean slate.

Reel №5


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... feeding pigeons.

The priest conducts a tour of the temple.


Festive worship.

View of the temple from the river.

Footprints in the snow.

Flowing water.

Reel №7

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... camp.

Service in the Temple of Forgiveness Sunday.

The priest comes out of the cell block.

Historical reference.

A man looks into the camera.

March 9 Clean Monday.


Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

Lower Povolzhie № 21 1968

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:30, black-white, published: 3/28/2018

Reel №1


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... the elevator.

Bakenshiki put the inscription on the buoy through a stencil.

The buoyers roll the buoy to the water, prepare it to be sent to the place.

Transportation of the buoy by water.

Captain of the tug V. I. Svetlichkin at the helm.

The tug is going along the Volga, a passenger ship is moving ...

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... partner, prepares the buoy for launching, Sinichkin's face.

The lowered buoy remains astern.

Volga landscape.

View of the deck of the tug buoy, water floods the deck during the rain.

Sinichkin at the helm.

The buoy on board the tug.

Checking and installing the next buoy.

Equipment for the construction ...


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... off with a pole.

A lotus flower on the water.

The boat is in one of the channels.

View of one of the channels.

River landscapes of the reserve.

Birds fly over the water.

Employees of the reserve go around and inspect one of the water areas.

Cleaning the water surface from thickets.

Baby boars in ...

Dry Cleaning - villagers 1977

Promotional, 1 part, duration: 0:02:24, published: 11/10/2015


The film describes dry-cleaning establishments operating in the countryside.

Reel №1


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... people are standing near the doors.

A man, along with other people, goes inside.

At the reception point, dry cleaning employees pack things, a large package with the inscription "Dry cleaning is at your service".


Dry cleaning, advertising

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