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"clean water" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign chronicle of the early 20th century 1900-1914

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:03:14, published: 1/31/2024

Scene №1 Foreign chronicle of the early 20th century

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Descend the ship on the water.

Those present at the ceremony.

Ship on the water.

Riders on the rides.

Rides engine in snow-covered paths.

Pass people.

Cleaning path plows.


It's snowing

Only love ... 1977

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:46:19, published: 8/12/2014

Reel №2

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soviet miner, foreman of the mechanized brigade, foreman of the cleaning brigade of the Nagornaya mine, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, honorary citizen of Novokuznetsk.

Smirnov G.N. -- Honorary Miner of the USSR, foreman of the cleaning crew of the Yubileynaya mine, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Run around clean ponds 1996

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:01:40, published: 2/5/2016

Scene №1 Run around clean ponds

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Tonwoche № 487 1940

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:21, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1


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Floods on the Danube near Budapest.

The man pumps out water pump.

On the waterfront, filled with water, the Bicycle rides.

Water on the docks, their contents piled on the cart, the wheeled loaders on the water barrels.

At home in the water.

North sea.

The British blockade off the coast of Europe ...


Reel №2


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... flask of soup, go to the front, bring food to the trenches.

North sea.

The German boats and ships to catch whales clean water German of the fairway.

Sailors get mine networks out of the water.

The area cleared the sea mark their buoy.


Special motorcycle troops in the campaign.

The soldiers ...


Water 2001

Documentary, 2 films, duration: 0:21:23, published: 9/11/2013


A film about the properties of water, the processes committed in aqueous solutions, the quality of natural waters, the use of their man, and the problems of water purification.

Movie №1 Water

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The film is about the properties of water on the processes occurring in aqueous solutions, the quality of natural waters, the use of their man, and the problems of water purification.

Foreign newsreels № 2798 1971

News, 2 footages, duration: 0:06:11, published: 4/22/2019

Scene №1

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Czechoslovakia - the Problem of water purification - the Construction of cleaning stations on the river Nitra and the channel of the river Myjava.

Halogens 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:21, published: 10/4/2016

Reel №1

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Algae in the water.

The shore of the lake.


Experience in the laboratory.

Portrait of the French chemist A.Moissan.

Repetition of the Moissan experience.

Portrait of the Swedish chemist K. Scheele.

Scheele's experience.

Experiments in the laboratory.

Portrait of chemist A.Balar.

Production ...


Reel №2


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... extraction of minerals.

Dentist's office.

Nuclear power plant.

Halogens in nature and technology.

Production facilities that use halogens.

Cleaning of drinking water and bleaching of fabrics with chlorine.

Table salt is sodium chloride.

Medicinal products.

Drilling rig in the sea.

Algae on the bottom of ...

Water. 1972

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:27:19, published: 6/15/2014


The film tells about the properties of water, the processes taking place in aqueous solutions, the quality of natural waters, the use of their human problems of water purification.

By order of the Central Vuzfilm lab out of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR.

Reel №1

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Mountain stream.

The ice in the ocean.

The spring flood.

Winter natural landscape.

Clouds cover the sun.

Ice "pancake" on the water.

The structure and properties of water.

Animation: the chemical elements of the periodic table.

Animation: the dependence of the boiling point of hydrogen compounds by ...

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... formation of water molecules.

Animation: the structure of the water molecule.

Layouts molecules and connections between them.

The structure of the ice.

Animation: ice crystals, snowflakes.

A piece of ice.

Melting of ice pieces in a Petri dish.

Animation: the structure of water.

The water in the glass ...

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... Freezing water at lower temperatures.

Chunks of ice.

Colorful flames.

Models of water molecules and the hydrogen bonds.

Pieces of ice falling into the glass and start to melt.

The structure of the ice.

The tube with the solution of paraffin wax and slices fall sink.

Animation: density of water at different ...

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... reservoirs.

Water boils in the flask on the fire.

Animation: break the hydrogen bonds between water molecules.

Pieces of ice melt and slide on a hot surface, then record shows the opposite direction.


Animation: the change in viscosity liquids at pressure changes.

Splashes of water.

Reel №2

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... on the petals.


Water rises along the ground.

Seagulls in the clouds.

Fishermen make their way by boat through the network.


Animation: the structure of water.

Solar patches of light on water.

Animation: the arrangement of atoms in a molecule, the shape of the water molecule, the charge distribution ...

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... distribution.

Water Properties: crystallization, melting, boiling.

Three-dimensional model of water.

Water - the chemical reagent.

Solar patches of light on water.

Bromobenzene in water emulsion.

Dissolving ionic compounds in water.

Scheme dissolution in water of a crystal salt.

Animation: the charge ...

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... experimental setup for the removal of water from the crystalline heat.

Experiments on the hydrolysis of salts (striping filming in the lab and animation).

EXAMPLE irreversible hydrolysis to release calcium hydroxide and acetylene.

Samples of rocks.

Three-dimensional model of water (blurred image).


Reel №3

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Preparation and purification of water.

Natural landscapes, watercourses.

Scientists in the boat taking water samples.

Various containers with water.

Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the amount of free oxygen in the water.

Flasks for sanitary-bacteriological experiments.

Apparatus for ...

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... for the purification of water by distillation.

Animation: the nightlife of a large city.

Forest on the banks of the river.

Scientist stirs the water in the flask.

Microorganisms in water under a microscope.

Operate wastewater treatment plants.

The water in the sump.

Animation: the settling of suspended ...

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... filtering.

Water flowing from the taps.

Plant equipment.

Laboratory experiments to determine the hardness of the water.

Steam boilers.

Animation: wet filter.

Birch Grove.

The dirt on the surface of ponds.

Control treatment facilities.

The wastewater treatment plant, the canal circling gulls.

Water goes into ...

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... into the drain.

Stages of water aeration.

Bacteria under the microscope.

Operate wastewater treatment plants.

Secondary clarifier.

Clear water in the pond.

Water purification from petroleum products.

Discharge of treated water into the reservoir.

Forest on the banks of the river.

Tidal bore.

The spring ...


On the wide Volga № 31 1976

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:38, published: 6/8/2016

Reel №1

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... (Nechernozemie problems).

Blurred water the earth.

The collective farm "Lenin's Iskra" Yadrinsky Chuvashia region.

Women taken from the jar milk.

Men loaded jars with milk in the car.

Cows in the barnyard.

Clean hay.

Powered Snow removing unit.

Repair of cleaning equipment.

Residents receive milk ...

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... milk.


Riders on horseback.

Patrols in the field.

Women clean the bread by hand.

Girl doing sheaves.

Manager of the remote control.

Combine in a field.

Cleaning the casting. 1984

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:54, published: 2/22/2017


Promotional film about a new way electrohydraulic cleaning casting.

Reel №1

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... molds.

Manual cleaning of cast blanks from the mold material.

Cleaning of casting by high-voltage discharge in a liquid medium.

Cartoon explaining the cleaning principle.

The most effective casting firing points are determined.

Cleaning the casting from the molding mixture.

A device for cleaning small parts ...

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... parts.

Devices for cleaning large-volume parts have been developed.

A walk-through installation with several containers for cleaning multi-range products.

Cleaned parts of different profiles and up to 25 tons in size come out of the installation.

Conveyor devices for cleaning parts of large-scale production ...


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