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"clear water" newsreels and historical clips

Ural Mountains' Video Chronicle № 3 Spring water. 2003

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:46, published: 8/22/2014

Reel №1

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River under the ice.

Spring break.

Staff MOE. Staff Meeting, led by Major-General V.F.Laktyuk.

Trucks in the water.

Transportation of people in a jeep.

Flooded park, a Ferris wheel.

Moose on sushi island.

Employees of Ministry of Emergency Situations out of the staff.

Alternation: MOE inspects the villages ...


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... her arms.

Alternation: house and farm N.Z.Chernovoy, flooded areas.

The man floats in a boat.

The woman at the gate waving to follow.

A stretch of water at the site of the road.

Road signs on a pole.

Tied to a pole boat.

View of the village from above.

Country road.

Flooded Village.

Retired V.I.Lavelin ...

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... the house.

Highway bridge.

Movement towards the village on a motor boat.

Dam on the river Sysert.

Senior Mechanical E.I.Sorokin regulates the water level.

The water passes through the dam. E.I.Sorokin and Deputy Chief Housing O.T.Murakaev on the dam.

The cows in the valley.

Spring creeks.

Natural landscapes ...

Water treatment. 1989

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:06:48, published: 12/12/2015


Creating a new agent for water treatment - inhibitor.

The promotional film about the effectiveness of the inhibitor in various industries.

Reel №1

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Wet leaves, raindrops.

Black River MLT. The composition of the water.


The technology of water treatment IFL. The salt deposits on the tubes.


Conclusion salts from water in the form of slag.


Aquarium with fish.

Water-crossing 1974

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:28, published: 11/10/2015


An educational film about the safety rules on water crossings

Reel №1

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Gulls in shallow water.

A motor ship on the river.

Different vessels on the river.

The court session.

Loading and unloading operations at the ferry.

Boarding passengers.

People go ashore from a small boat.

Several ships are moored at the pier at once.

The captain backs the ship.

Several people ...

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... ship before it stops.

One person could not jump to the pier and ended up in the water.

People are sitting on the open deck of the ship.

The motorist drops a homemade ladder - an ordinary board.

One person is in the water.

A gas cylinder is transported on a passenger ship.

The motorist takes out a gas ...

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... gas cylinder on the ladder, and passengers go to meet him.

A motorist with a balloon is in the water.

Loading of explosive cargo on a ship.

Loading of large containers.

Reel №2

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... passengers enter the ship.

From the waves of the oncoming vessel, the loose cargo shifted.

Panic on the ship.

People jump into the water.

The captain jumps overboard.

Gulls over the water.

A sunken ship.

Proper loading of the vessel.

Life jackets are in a special box.

A man smokes on a ship in a specially designated ...


Live Water 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:56, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1

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Clouds in the sky.

Dew on tree leaves.

A pioneer group with banners is passing a forest clearing.

Pioneer get-together in the village of Kastornoe (Kursk region): children are watching, smiling.

Drummers and trumpeters are playing.

Photo correspondent is watching.

Pioneers are bringing the Banner that ...


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... carnations.

A man with a girl in his arms and a woman are listening; panorama of old women wiping tears.

Pioneers are singing a song about the life-giving water.

The Bell and the Glory Barrow in the village of Khatyn.

The memorial plate with the names of soldiers, perished during the war.

Graves of the Memorial ...


Reel №2


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... passing the Banner to the children, the children are ”attacking”.

Newsreel of 1941-1945:

Soldiers are walking in the snowstorm.

Soldiers are walking in water up to their knees

Soldiers are crossing the river ahorceback.

Soldiers are walking along the road.

Pioneers are in the bus, their guitars are standing ...


Water alphabet 1986

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:50, published: 1/14/2017

Reel №1

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Specialists OSVOD - the society of salvation on the water teach children in a playful form of swimming, rules for safe behavior on the water.

Lower Povolzhie № 27 Living Water 1968

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:06, black-white, published: 3/22/2018

Reel №1

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... land (above).

Camel with camel in the desert.

A sandstorm in the desert.

People get buckets of water from the well, poured into your containers.

Buckets and zinc baths.

Look well of the steppe, people take water from the well.

The texts of the decisions of state and party bodies on the development of land ...


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... the artificial pond.

Sheep drink water.

The type of pump station in one of the farms in Kalmykia Republic.

The water in the irrigation canal.

View of irrigated fields.

Ripening ears of wheat.

Harvesting grain.

The water in the canal.

View of the corn fields.

Watering of the corn, faces of the land.

Panorama ...

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... of ripening grapes.

View of the rice fields (above).

Harvesting rice in the farm "Voskhod".

The face of the foreman.

Measurement of water level on rice checks.

Taking water and grains of rice on sample.

View of the experimental land-reclamation station.

Employees of the station conducting research.

Deputy ...

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... rice (synchronously).

The types of the Kalmyk steppe.

Water from the pipe poured into the irrigation canal.

Apple blossoms on a branch.

The face of a structural engineer.

Equipment for construction of irrigation canal.

Workers in the excavation.

Water poured from the pipe of the irrigation system, steppe ...

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... irrigation systems.

The harvest of apples and pears.

Sheep at the trough.

View of the wheat fields.

Tomatoes in boxes.

The harvest of watermelons.

Grapes, water pours from the pipe, the faces of the people.

Water games 1910-1919

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:04:05, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

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Topicality of the subjects devoted to water sports.

Water polo.

Presentation of teams.

Team members jump into the water.

Moments of the game, fight for the ball.

Body checking.

Competition for water sports in Lyon.

Masters Team.

Athlete Alfano.

Boat Racing.


The rise 1983

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:50, published: 10/4/2016

Reel №1

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... carries the sculpture.

G.Maltsev is messing with children in the snow.

A man clears the helicopter of snow.

Large: hands knead the dough.

Hands spread the berries on the dough.

Horses eat grass.

The helicopter lifts the water tank.

G. Maltsev in the cockpit of a helicopter.

G.Maltsev is preparing a cranberry ...


Great Energy 1962

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:28, published: 2/5/2018

Reel №1


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Surveyors are sent on measurements for the future building.

Surveyors carry out the location on the map.

Conducting geological exploration.

Study of water currents in the area of the future hydroelectric power station.

Laying the first cubic meter of concrete in the building of the future hydroelectric ...


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... trucks of soil, the driver in the truck cab.

View of the under construction power plant.

The bulkhead explosion to fill the bowl of the reservoir.

Water floods the reservoir.

The types of the flooded pit.

Transportation and dumping of concrete blocks to block the Volga 31 October 1958, photographers ...


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The employee of hydroelectric power station converts the levers opening and closing of the shields to clear the water.

Discharge of water in the reservoir.

Types of hydroelectric dams during water discharge.

Manager switches levers and switches on the remote automatic control system gateways.

Cargo ...


Fishermen on the workload № 14 1989

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:30, published: 9/15/2015


fish-and-flour floating base "Alexey Chuev".

2. "Genetic Fish Bank" - about the creation of a genetic carp bank at the Institute of Pond Farming.

3. About the water treatment system from the waste of the fish cannery, developed in the Estonian collective farm "Oktober".

4." Pioneers of the ocean".

About the veterans

Reel №2

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"Waste water treatment".

Processing of fish in a fish cannery.

Water with the waste of the enterprise is poured out of the pipes.

Drum filters for catching fish scales.

Flotators for water purification.

A container for collecting fat.

Assembly of the electric flotation device in the workshop of ...

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... of the collective farm.

Aerator ponds.

Taking laboratory samples from the pond.


A clear river.

"Ocean Pioneers".


The cathedral.

The old part of the city.

Cemetery, between the graves is S. G. Nikolashin with a bouquet of flowers.

A man lays flowers at the monument to ...


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