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"clear water" newsreels and historical clips

Chimmashexport. 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:12, published: 12/3/2015

Reel №2

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... vacuum filters.

The dry residue released by the filter from contaminated water.

Clean water.

Flowers in a clearing.

Baths with artificially grown fish.

In such production, membrane gas separation plants are used to saturate water with oxygen.

A cartoon explaining the operation of such an installation ...


Helicopter KA - 26. 2 section. 1968

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:03:18, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1

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Ka-26 cargo-passenger version is flying over the forest.

The pilot in the cockpit of the helicopter.

The helicopter makes a circle over the clearing and throws a rope ladder.

The face of the pilot in the cockpit.

A man walks down the rope ladder.

The pilot monitors the descent.

Man jumps to the ground ...


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... over the forest and the water surface.

The helicopter is landing.

A helicopter with a cargo platform on the ground.

The helicopter carries cargo on external sling.

Helicopter lowers the load on the forest glade.

The pilots in the cockpit of the helicopter.

Type of forest clearing with the delivered cargoes ...

Ballet under water 1975

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:04:29, published: 5/29/2014


The film tells about the Japanese ballet theater under water.

Reel №1 Ballet under water

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... ballet performs a dance under water in a special aquarium theater near Tokyo.

Performance of a dance couple of the Japanese underwater ballet, the artists during the dance pass each other an air hose.

Scuba divers ensure the safety of the performers.

Artists come out of the water.

Costumes for underwater ...

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... organizer, producer and choreographer of the ballet under the water, Reiko Kondo, selects costumes for the artists.

Reiko Kondo asks the artists to wear costumes before the performance, the faces of the artists.

The performers go under the water at the end of the intermission.

Performance of underwater ballet ...

Landscapes Of The Island 1975-1985

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:08:53, published: 6/10/2019

Scene №1

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... coast.

Taiga on the mountain slopes, the clouds of mist.


Wooden boats in the water near the shore.

Motor boats and boats at the Marina.

Panorama of the coast at sunset, clouds, shot from a helicopter.

Coast on a clear day.

Rafting on the Tatar Strait.

Coniferous forest, mountain lake.

The surface ...

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... Coastal cliffs, view from the sea.

The wooded cliffs, shooting water, wave under the nose and at the stern of the boat.

The remnants of an abandoned vehicle in the water.

Wooden boats in the water near the shore.

Sticking out of the water the top of the mast of a sunken ship.

The surface of the sea, the ...

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... the types of rocky shores, misty "banks" at the foot of the Islands, sun glare on the water.

The sea mist, a ship on the horizon.

Village on the shore, in the background mountains.

Clouds over the water, sun glare on the surface of the sea, shooting from a boat.

The boat goes forward, the sun disappears ...


Broad gauge 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:26, published: 11/10/2015

Reel №2


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... Alternation: production processes at the plant, interviews with V.M.Vedernikovym.

Winter Street. V.A.Manohin clearing snow in front of the house.

Man picking up wood in the woodpile.

A man carries water into the house.

View from the window, the brothers talking in the yard.

Tells V.A.Manohin.

Tells V.M.Vedernikov ...


Montage of fragments No. 5151 1910-1919

Footage, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:43, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

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View forest clearing.

Hunters with dogs.

The carcass of a killed deer.

Caption: "ungulates".

A herd of bison in the park of Prince Pless in Silesia.

Grazing in a meadow covered with snow, animals


Children at the skating rink.

Children ride in a sleigh.

Mass skiing.

Ski Jumping ...

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... Arizona.

Horsemen in the costumes of the road.

Indian group.

Indians performed the national dance before tourists


Otter swimming under water


Predator birds.


Man teases falcon.

Falcon Lapa.






Development of a butterfly.

Various ...


A copy of the original dispute 1975

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:39, published: 4/18/2023


The film covers an extremely important issue - generating raw materials for making highly clear quartz glass out of granular quartz to replace crystal.

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The evolution of the organic world. 1982

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:30, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1

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... flowers.

A man is lying on the grass.

The sky is full of clouds, a bird is flying.

Dragonflies fly over the surface of the river.

Fish swim in the clear water.

Portraits of philosophers and scientists appear in the reflection of the river.

Titles - The evolution of the organic world.

Images of different ...

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... alternate.

In the garden, there is an open book on the table, next to glasses, shells and a round aquarium.

Large-aquarium fish.

Alternating shots in the water with fry, tadpoles, crustaceans.

Alternating frames with a starfish, jellyfish, turtle, seal, ducks, pelicans, pangolin, snake, snail, bison, eagle ...


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... bat, a chameleon's paw, a whale's fin, a horse's leg, a monkey's paw.

The Amur tiger is walking slowly. a duck on the water scratches its head with its paw.

A duck swims on the water.

Large-the claws of an eagle sitting on a branch.

The monkey climbs down from the tree.

Animated image of the legs of ...


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... jellyfish and other animals of different shapes and sizes.

Drawing with two white jellyfish and trilobites.

Drawing with the first living organisms in the water (orthocon and other mollusks)

Fossilized remains of fish-like armored creatures.

Frames with prints of prehistoric plants on stones.

Reel №2


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... playing with each other).

A clearing with dandelions.

Large-a dandelion flower (the frame with a yellow flower is replaced by a frame with a white one).

Two frogs in the water.

Throwing caviar.

Large-eggs in the water.

The appearance of tadpoles from eggs.

Tadpoles in the water.

The frog grabs and eats ...


Leningrad chronicles № 26 1972

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:13, published: 1/18/2021



In Leningrad - plus 33 degrees, film library, forest fires, fighting fires.

In the zoo, a hippo and an elephant are doused with water.

Reel №1

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People drink carbonated water from a street vending machine.

The temperature on the outdoor scoreboard is -32 degrees.

Hippos in the pool.

The elephant douses himself with water.


Moose in the forest.

The bear cub climbs a tree.

Forest fire.

The Emergency Commission for Fighting Forest Fires is ...

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... residents help firefighters extinguish the fire.

The clearings are being bulldozed.

A forester and firefighters are looking at a map of the area.

Clearing the rubble.

A poster prohibiting picking berries and mushrooms in the forest.

A man collects berries in the forest.

The policeman detained the violator ...

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... silver iodide is fired into the clouds.

A forester walks through the forest.

Planting pine seedlings.

Schoolchildren help to plant a young forest.

Watering of forest plantings.


“And... the end”, “Never” (planet z) 1990

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:04:55, published: 10/4/2016

Reel №1

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... forest, it's snowing.

Three hunters are sitting around a campfire in a clearing.

Men are talking.

One of the hunters says that the worst thing is not wild animals in the forest, but the fact that in nature you can drink unboiled water with bacteria and microbes and get a gastrointestinal infection.

Hunters ...

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... assistant takes out an unwashed carrot, the magician refuses to swallow it.

And he tells the audience that all vegetables should be doused with boiling water before use.

Then it turns into a bird and flies away.

Movie №1

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... forest, it's snowing.

Three hunters are sitting around a campfire in a clearing.

Men are talking.

One of the hunters says that the worst thing is not wild animals in the forest, but the fact that in nature you can drink unboiled water with bacteria and microbes and get a gastrointestinal infection.

Hunters ...

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... assistant takes out an unwashed carrot, the magician refuses to swallow it.

And he tells the audience that all vegetables should be doused with boiling water before use.

Then it turns into a bird and flies away.

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