You found 492 newsreels for query "rummaging in the trunk"

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"rummaging in the trunk" newsreels and historical clips

Statistical regularities in the kinetic theory of gases 1973

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:32, published: 3/24/2023

Reel №1

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... Experience with balls.


A woman is sorting wheat seeds.

The laboratory assistant selects the sprouted seeds.

An anthill.

Ants crawl along the trunk of a birch tree.

Brownian motion of molecules under a microscope.


Auer's experience.

Portrait of Maxwell.

Stern's experience (animation) ...

Dry Cleaning - villagers 1977

Promotional, 1 part, duration: 0:02:24, published: 11/10/2015

Reel №1


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... house with a suitcase, throws the suitcase into the trunk, checks the car, takes a canister of gasoline from the garage, refills the tank with gasoline.

He opens the gate and looks at the street with surprise.

The man takes a suitcase out of the trunk and runs out of the yard.

The building, the sign "Complex ...


Your image over Russia ascended ... 1991

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:10, published: 1/21/2016

Reel №1


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Patriarch Tikhon blessing the people.

The crowd of people.

The view of the river.

Young leaves on a tree trunk.

Dome wooden Church.


Church behind the trees.

The spring flood.

The trunk of the tree.

Types of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

The monks accompany the old lady.

Old woman with prayer book in ...


Die Deutsche Wochenschau № 533 1940

Newsreel, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:09, published: 7/20/2015

Reel №2


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... school for girls in Bavaria.

Lesson sewing, entertaining games in nature, dream.

12. Germany.

Night British air raid on Berlin.

The rays of spotlights rummage through the sky.

Defensive actions of the anti-aircraft battery.

Remains of downed British bombers, fallen in the vicinity of Berlin.

13. Germany ...


Universal News № 21943 1933

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:06:56, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1


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... huge fish, caught by a fisherman in Canada


American tourists visiting the country


Competitions lumberjacks cutting off the trunk speed

Bashkir Reserve 1974

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:53, published: 1/6/2015

Reel №1


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... hills.

Suspension bridge across the river.

Flowering trees.

Drops of dew on the plants.

Birch sap.

From the land of rising primroses.

Insects on the trunk of a birch.

The sprouts of grass.

From the eggs hatch a chick.

The chicks in the nest.

Hedgehog in the grass.

Newborn ezhata.

Cross the water.

Jay chicks ...

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... Riders climb the hill.

View of the forest.

In the meadow is the man.

Valeriana officinalis.

Botanist collects valerian.

Meadow grass and flowers.

The trunk of a pine tree.

Panorama Reserve.

Reel №2


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... the trunk of a pine tree.

Scientist examines a broken angelica.

Measurements bear footprints on the trail.

Man goes on the trail.

From under the driftwood gray-hen flies.

Hawk takes off from the nest.

The chick in the nest.

Zoologist studying traces of the bear.

The forest thickets.

Bear rummages in a ...


Reel №3

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... bees) examine the pine.

View of the crown of pine underneath.

People remove luggage from the horses and prepare tools.

Prepare smoker.

Bortevik up the trunk of a pine tree.

Man smokes smoker bees hollow (boards).

On a pine on a rope pull tuesok and tied to a branch.

Beekeeper inspecting hollow.

Cells taken ...


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... cuts of hundreds of queen bee.

Queen bee moved into another hive.

The bee flies from flower.

The rows of hives in the grass.

By dripping pine tree trunk.

Ladybug creeps on mushrooms.

Honeycombs in tueski.

By crawling bee honeycomb.

The acorn lies on the oak leaves.

Foal running on the grass.

On Meadow ...


Living space. 1979

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:06, published: 5/29/2014

Reel №2

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... types of cities.


Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Ensemble Of The Moscow Kremlin.

A blooming Tulip.


An oddly shaped tree trunk.

The ancient stadium.

The Buildings Of A. Gaudí.

Modern building in a green area.

Library in Ashgabat.

The interiors of the library.

Patio with fountain ...

Our region № 14 1980

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:02, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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1. Cherepovets Steel Mill. 110 high-speed trunks. 2. Ivanovo.

Improving the quality of products in the factory carding machines. 3. Kalinin.

Interschool plant. 4. Novgorod.

Winter fun:.

Fishing snowmobile, 5. Syktyvkar.

International hockey tournament for the prize with the ball of the newspaper ...

Children's rehabilitation centers in the Ruza district of the Moscow region. 2004

Footage, 9 footages, duration: 2:16:52, published: 3/31/2018

Scene №8 "Good children" of priest Elijah

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... children, the teacher of the center.

The car collected by the hands of the pupils.

The guys sit down in the car, roll on the snow, clinging to the trunk of the car.

Manezh Square MIFF XXIV 2002

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:52, published: 7/14/2015

Scene №1 Manezhnaya size is MIFF XXIV

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Police cars in front of the arena.

The policeman.

The car door with the inscription and the emblem of the Moscow police.

A man polishes the trunk of the car Mercedes.

A road sign with the word arena.

Logo International Film Festival XXIV. Brownie sign "Manezhnaya Square".

Manezh Square view of the Alexander ...

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