You found 492 newsreels for query "rummaging in the trunk"

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"rummaging in the trunk" newsreels and historical clips

Rally-raid on off-road 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:21:08, published: 10/2/2019

Scene №1 Rally-raid on off-road

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... road, along gravel, sandy surface.

Night route.

Off-road cars go on a safari.

Antelope, baboon on the territory of the reserve.

Monkey jumps on the trunk of an SUV.

Summer days in Grunewald 1910-1919

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:05:08, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

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... in the sand.

Types Krumme Lanka area.

Tourists on the beach.

Tourists in the Park.

A man with a girl.

Forest landscapes.

Dragonfly on a tree trunk.

Children on the shore of the lake.

Children play in the water.

The dog in the boat.

Train with tourists

Leningrad chronicles № 17 Our debts... 1991

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:13, published: 9/17/2019

Reel №1


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... and surnames of people who were shot in the Levashovskaya wasteland during the years of political repression, attached to the trunks of trees.

Photo of the executed on the trunk of a spruce tree.

A prayer service in the Levashovskaya wasteland in memory of the victims of political repression.

Flowers laid ...

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... relatives in the hands of participants of the memorial service.

A commemorative note attached to a tree trunk.

People's faces, texts of memorial plaques, plaques and photos of the repressed, mounted on tree trunks.

Weapons seized in the republic of the USSR 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:30, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Weapons seized in the republic of the USSR

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... automatic rifles and automatic weapons.

Employees of operational services (in the militia uniform of the USSR) extract ammunition and rifles from the trunk of the car.

Shooting from the machine gun.

The cartridges are large.

The policeman puts the guns against the wall.

Residents of the Caucasian region ...

Urals 1941-1959

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:30, published: 2/27/2013

Scene №1 Urals

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... Southern Urals - different plans.

By rail train passes.

Ilmen mountains, and lakes.

Gulls on the beach.

Forest landscapes.

Ilmen Reserve - sign on a tree trunk "area of ​​complete rest."

Log house, looking out the window S.L.Ushkov zoologist.

S.L.Ushkov accompanied dog runs through the woods, watching through ...

The Second Breath 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:01, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1

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... Republic).

The moon.

A tree.

A frog.

A machine wheel.

The machine is grabbing a tree trunk.

A deer.

The wheel.

A panorama of a lumberman walking along the forest.

An owl is sitting in the tree.

A panorama of a tree trunk, the tree is falling.

A bird in the nest.

The moon.

A fish in the water.

Trees ...


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... in the forest.

A panorama of a throw machine in operation.

The machine is grabbing a tree trunk.

A tree is falling.

A panorama of a car taking lumber away from the throw.

A panorama of an engine sawing a trunk.

A deer.

Tractor wheels.


A panorama of the forest.

Dzyublik is speaking.

A panorama ...


Michael Prishvin 1948

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:02:17, published: 2/13/2015

Scene №2

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Prishvin with dogs walking in winter forest near the village Dunino.

Prishvin with a gun on his shoulder standing, leaning on the trunk of a birch.

Prishvin throws his gun on his shoulder, moving away from the tree.

Prishvin sitting behind a desk, typing on a typewriter.

Prishvin prints, finished reading ...


Hydrogen sulfide corrosion of process equipment at OGKM. Section 1 1990

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:22, published: 5/6/2023

Reel №1

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... (animation).

Separation of gas into fractions in the separator (animation).

General view of the plant.

Various types of corrosion damage.

Formation of trunk cracks (animation).

Pipes affected by corrosion.

Inhibitory protection of gas field equipment

dov (animation).

Gas tanks.

Preparation of the inhibitor ...


Prevent cancer. 1984

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:24, published: 12/12/2015

Reel №1

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A bee on a flower.

Cell growth.

Germination of seeds.

Neoplasm on the trunk of a birch tree.

N.N. Blokhin (synchronously).

Hospital corridor.

On the monitor, the fight of immune system cells with cancer cells.

The doctor examines the patient.

The patient is at the doctor (synchronously).

The doctor examines ...


The valley of oblivion. (Zone of oblivion) 1990

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:35:32, published: 5/5/2021

Reel №1

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... about the war on the screen.

Reflection of trees in the water.

Fog over the lake.

Log bridge across the river.


A sapper shovel stuck into the trunk of a tree.

A rusted helmet.

Barbed wire on trees.

Chronicle: fighters go into battle.

A group of people is excavating in the forest.

Bones found in ...

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... for lunch at the search party.

Chronicle: a soldier with a bowler hat in his hands.

The girls from the search party are preparing food.

A jar on the trunk of a birch tree.

A member of the search party (synchronously).

Skulls of dead soldiers.

The old cemetery of a non-existent village.

The remains are ...


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