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"Indian male" newsreels and historical clips

Eclair № 2 1910

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:01:55, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1


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... presence of Indian and Senegalese soldiers shows that all of humanity is fighting against the Germans for freedom and civilization."

Cartoon Van der Velde dancing African warriors


Milan newspaper "Sekolah". "The Indian army tolerates low temperatures quite well."

Cartoon-Indians, hunched against ...

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... against the cold, run, abandoning weapons


Milan newspaper "Sekolah". "Before the war, we must get used to the frost."

Cartoon-Indian soldiers are under guard in a POW camp

Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi in Moscow 1987

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:54, published: 12/16/2017

Scene №1 Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi in Moscow

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... signing of the Soviet-Indian agreement in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Gorbachev MS sits at the table, puts his signature.

The agreement is signed by the Prime Minister of India, Gandhi R.

Ryzhkov NI, Ligachev EK, Chebrikov VM, Shevardnadze EA, Vorotnikov VI and members of the Indian delegation at the time ...


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... at the monument to Indira Gandhi, participants in the rally and Indian students.

View of the monument to Indira Gandhi.

Gorbachev and Rajiv Gandhi plant a tree of Soviet-Indian friendship in the Kremlin, watered it.

The face of an Indian girl.

Gorbachev, Rajiv Gandhi and their accompanying persons walk ...

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... Kremlin.

Panorama of the square during a solemn event in the Kremlin in honor of Indian guests, Gorbachev and Gandhi shake hands.

Gorbachev makes a reciprocal speech.

View of the Kremlin cathedrals.

Artists of the Indian folk ensemble perform on the territory of the Kremlin.


Gandhi Rajiv Ratna - Indian statesman and politician

Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich - state and political figure

Ryzhkov Nikolai Ivanovich - state and political figure

Ligachev Egor Kuzmich - state and political figure

Chebrikov Viktor Mikhailovich - head of state security agencies

Shevardnadze Eduard

Parliamentarians of India in the USSR. 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:39, published: 11/10/2012


"RAF", laying flowers at the monument in Salaspils in the place where he was during the war camp.

Visiting Indian delegation fishing collective farm "Uzvara." The stay of the delegation of the Indian Parliament in Kiev: meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR, sightseeing, visiting Kiev aviation


The film is about the stay in the USSR of the delegation of the Indian Parliament headed by the Speaker of the People’s Chamber Balram Jakhar that arrived in the Soviet Union to pay an official visit at the invitation of the USSR Supreme Council.

Reel №1

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... Kremlin.

A building of the USSR Supreme Council.

The Chairman of the Council of Nationalities of the USSR Supreme Council August Voss is receiving the Indian Parliament Delegation headed by the Speaker of the People’s Chamber, Dr.

Balram Jakhar that have arrived in the USSR with a formal visit.

Press photographers ...

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... conversation.

The building in the Kremlin where Vladimir Lenin worked.

The Lenin Mausoleum.

The Indian delegation is laying a wreath to the Mausoleum.

The Grave of the Unknown Soldier.

The Eternal Flame.

The Indian Parliamentarian are laying a wreath to the grave.

Tulips by the Kremlin Wall.

Pictures of the ...

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... tomato.

A panorama of the Indian guests tasting a meal.

A river.

A monument to Yuri Gagarin in the town of Zvyozdny Gorodok [Star Town].

The Indian Parliamentarian are laying flowers to the monument, they are visiting the Museum of Astronautics.

A picture of the Indian Astronaut Rakesh Sharma.

A Soviet ...

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... explanations to the guests.

Indian and Soviet table flags.

The Chairman of the Presidium of the Union of Soviet Societies of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Valentina Tereshkova is receiving the Indian delegation.

Muscovites are greeting the Indian guests on the Moskva River quay ...

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... A panorama of the Indian Festival participants singing and dancing in the street.

A panorama of a woman and a girl looking.

A panorama of the Indians showing the craftwork at the Exhibition.

A panorama of members of the Indian delegation walking along the Exhibition Hall.

A Indian girl’s face.

A panorama ...

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... panorama of Russian and Indian girls in national costumes.

A bunch of lilac.

The city of Riga.

A square with a monument.

An obelisk and a figure of a woman with stars in her hands.

A theatre building.

The Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Latvian Soviet Socialistic Republic Drizul ...

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... Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Latvian Soviet Socialistic Republic Klibik are receiving Indian guests.

A square in the Old Riga District.

A panorama of the Indian guests in a pavilion of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the Latvian Soviet Socialistic Republic.

Showpieces ...

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... Republic: a RAF [Riga Experimental Bus Plant] microbus, radio equipment, a display, motorbikes.

A panorama of a square and a street of the Old Riga; Indian guests in the square.

A monument to the Latvian riflemen.

Pedestrians in the street.

A fountain.

Reel №2

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A panorama of the sculptures of the ensemble in the place of the former concentration camp Salaspils.

The Indian delegation is laying flowers to the monument.

A sea shore in the city of Yurmala.

The fishing collective farm “Uzvara”: children in national costumes are giving flowers to the guests.

The ...

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... guests from India are by a modern urban building.

A panorama of an integrated fish-processing plant: a conveyer with fish; women are butchering fish.

Indian guests are in a plant shop.

The guests are walking along the shore of the Baltic Sea.

The city of Kiev.

The Dnieper River, the Vladimirskaya Gorka ...

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... Soviet Socialistic Republic V. Shevchenko is receiving the Indian Parliamentarians.

A panorama of Kreshchatik Street.

A fountain in the square.

A panorama of pedestrians in the streets.

A monument to the Unknown Soldier; a panorama of the Indian delegation laying flowers to the monument.

The Eternal Flame ...

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... staff.

A welding set is operating.

A display of the device.

The Indian guests in the Institute.

A panorama of an Institute employee giving explanations.

A panorama of an airplane in a shop of the Kiev Aircraft Association, the Indian Parliamentarians are in the shop.

A panorama of devices on the table ...


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... of the Indian guests in the square.


Kalinin Avenue.

The Chairman of the Soviet of the Union of the USSR Supreme Council Yu.

Khristoradnov and A. Voss are receiving the delegation of the Indian Parliament.

A panorama of the empty Conference Hall of the USSR Supreme Council.

The Indian guests are ...

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... are observing the hall.

A Kremlin Tower.

The Chairman of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council Andrey Gromyko is receiving the delegation of the Indian Parliament.

A building of the USSR Supreme Council.

The Kremlin.

Serve my Homeland 30.10.2005 2005

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:26:02, published: 12/12/2023

Reel №1

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The plot of the joint Russian-Indian military exercises.

Video news: a Russian officer gives a command on the radio.

Russian and Indian units during an exercise at a training ground in the Thar desert, Rajasthan.

The release of airborne troops and military equipment.

Attack and defeat of the camp ...

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... camp of conditional terrorists.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, along with the Indian military, is watching the exercise.

Types of landfill, air landing drop.

Sergei Ivanov talks about the growing threat of international terrorism, about pre-emptive strikes on terrorist camps, according to the ...

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... along with the Indian military, watches the landing of the troops.

Transfer of parachutes by Russian paratroopers to Indian colleagues.

Indian paratroopers in formation with Russian parachutes.

Ivanov among the Indian military after the ceremony of handing over parachutes.

An Indian paratrooper speaks ...

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... positively about the Russian parachute.

Indian fighter jets at the airfield before takeoff.

MIG aircraft of the Indian Air Force during a training flight.

Types of ships of the Indian Navy (top).

Visitors at the exhibition of samples of Russian weapons and equipment.

Indian amphibious company commander Nitin ...

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... the training of Indian paratroopers (synchronously).

Gulta sets the task to his subordinates.

People on the streets of an Indian city.

The face of a Russian paratrooper.

Indian military at the command post.

S. Ivanov goes along with the Indian military.

Indian general awards Indian and Russian military ...

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... military personnel, the face of Ivanov.

Ivanov among the Russian and Indian military posing for a photographer.

A Russian officer monitors the exercise.

Ivanov watches demonstration performances of Russian paratroopers.

Landing of a Russian paratrooper with the flag of the Russian Federation.

The ...


Criteria and structure types. 1981

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:00, published: 2/15/2017

Reel №1


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... of pisces are similar and the halos partially overlap.

The difference is the behavior of males during the mating season.

The pose of the male Altai pika.

The pose of the male of the Daurian pipit.

The pose of a male steppe pipit.

So isolation in time, in space and behavioral has led to genetic isolation ...


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... territory.

Red vole.

Her task is to protect the possessions of the whole family.

The male's glands, with which he marks his territory.

The male met the stranger.

The fight of male voles.

A characteristic pose of aggression for this type

Vadim Abdrashitov interviews 1997

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:01:16, published: 12/25/2015

Scene №6 Vadim Abdrashitov Concert Hall

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Concert hall.

On stage a folk group performs male Cossack dance.

In an empty room sitting director Vadim Abdrashitov.

Bolshoi ballet in America 1959

Footage, 16 parts, duration: 2:07:33, black-white, published: 11/13/2012

Reel №13


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... sailed Tom Sawyer.

Pirate ship "Sea chicken", the artists come to the ship.

Artists on a sailing ship.

Indian Village in the "Disneyland", dancing Indians.

Soviet artists talking to the mistress of the Indian restaurant.

Foreign newsreels № 5908 1979

News, 1 part, published: 1/2/2015

Scene №2

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S. Gandhi is an Indian politician, Secretary General of the Indian National Congress (1980).

Tyazhpromexport. 1987

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:48, published: 10/9/2015

Reel №1

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D. Nehru - Indian politician, chairman of the Indian National Congress, the Prime Minister of India.

Foreign news footages № 21 1990

News, 11 parts, duration: 0:26:21, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №11 USSR: Religion

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Male choir singing.

Types of Orthodox churches.

Newsreel of the First World War.


The queue at the mausoleum.

Newsreel: the destruction of the temples.

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