You found 2118 newsreels for query "Urban sculpture"

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"Urban sculpture" newsreels and historical clips

Basics of safe driving 1990

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:31, published: 4/26/2023

Reel №1

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The city of Sverdlovsk.

Urban transport, cars, trucks.

The film is about the art of driving, different methods of braking, driving in the dark, towing vehicles and methods of fuel economy vehicles.

Pioneer summer. 1952

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 1:03:42, published: 6/18/2013

Reel №2

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... Staraya Ruza.

Quiet time.

Preparing for the concert performances.

The game of football and skittles.

Young anglers on the river.

Charging the urban camp.

Urban area summer camp in the yard of a house on the Co-operative Street in Moscow.

Arrival at Camp rural pioneers - a village of Big Vyazemy.

Show ...


Construction and architecture № 1 1988

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:47, published: 2/27/2015


1. "The features of the urban landscape." and perestroika. "On the development of KATEK coals, on the construction of Berezovskaya GRES.

4. "So far the only one".

About the architectural solution of social and cultural life in modern urban planning.

Reel №1

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1). "Features of the urban landscape."

Moscow, a typical residential area, high-rise buildings.

The main entrance ENEA. In the layout pattern of continuous residential structures.

Kiev Zonal Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Design.

Design Bureau, the designers behind the drawing board.

Head ...


Young master cutter 1935-1937

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:29, published: 12/18/2014

Scene №1 Young master cutter

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Schoolboy at the lesson in the circle sculpture and painting works on a sculpture depicting Stalin with children.

Pupils create sculptures with Stalin, working on a sculpture of Lenin.

Face female head mug.

Head mug tells students about the observance of proportions in sculpture.

Film-travel almanac № 153 1980

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:15, published: 2/27/2015

Reel №2


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... which houses a sacred drum.

The drum is near.

Modern city streets.


City view from the arch.

Street Vientiane.

Sculpture with an elephant's head.

Residents of the capital, urban transport.

People ride bicycles.

Workers harvesting rice.

Feast on the Mekong River.

Alternation: Spectators on the shore ...


Sculptures made of snow and ice on the Red Square 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:57, published: 3/18/2016

Scene №1 Sculptures made of snow and ice on the Red Square

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... adults are looking at snow and ice sculpture festival "Vjugovey".

Children climb and slide down the snow sculptures.

Sculpture a swan from the ice on a background of Christ the Savior.

Sculpture - accordion.

Girls in the snow cube.

Kremlin wall panorama of the snow sculptures.

with the child's mother.

Russian chronicler № 6 Twelve. 1997

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:48, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1

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... CU.

People in the exhibition - LS., PNRM.

Wooden gun - CU.

Sculptors seasoned gun fuel - MS., Departure.

People go to the exhibition - LS., PNRM.

Sculptures and people and guns - MS.

Sculptor gun charges - CU., MS.

Sculptors in the dining room, talking (synchronous) - CU.

Says the sculptor (synchronous) ...


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... PNRM.

Sculpture, PNRM. the sculptor and the boy, PNRM. the sculpture - CU.

Sculptress at work - CU.

Sculpture "Unicorn», PNRM. a female sculptor at work - MS.

People applauded - MS., PNRM.

Shoots wooden gun - CU., Departure.

People in the exhibition - PNRM.

Sculpture "Cannon» - MS.

The sculpture "Warrior» ...

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... "Warrior» - CU., PNRM.

Sculpture - CU.

Another sculpture - MS.

The sculpture "The rider on the horse» - MS.

The sculpture "The Moscow River» - CU.

Sculptors - MS.

Other sculptors - MS., PNRM.

Sculpture - CU., PNRM.

Sculpture "Unicorn» - CU., PNRM.

Sculpture - CU.

Sculpture - MS., CU.

Lower Povolzhie № 33 The city is changing face 1980

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:26, black-white, published: 2/13/2018


The issue is dedicated to the problems of urban development and reconstruction of historical buildings in Tambov.

Reel №1

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... population, unresolved problems of complex development and housing construction, the lack of children's and medical institutions, and the prospects for urban development (synchronously).

Panorama of the intersection of city streets.

An elderly woman sits on a chair against the wall of a wooden house.

Automobile ...


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... the wall of an old building that requires major repairs.

View of one of the old buildings of the city.

Architects continue to discuss the problems of urban development and preservation of the historical appearance of the city, the face of architects.

Decoration of facades and walls of ancient buildings ...


The Types Of Uzbekistan 1927

Footage, 5 footages, duration: 0:00:31, published: 11/9/2020

Scene №1 The Types Of Uzbekistan

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Tashkent: streets, traffic of automobile, urban, horse-drawn transport, pedestrians; Uzbekgoskino film factory (former Sheikhan-Gaur mosque); Bazaar; railway station, passenger train; city population, including women in veils; Samarkand: Central square, madrasah, caravanserai, "old" and" new " Samarkand ...

Press conference of the film "Moscow vacation" 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:12, published: 6/16/2015

Scene №1 Press conference of the film "Moscow vacation"

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... Surikov communicate with journalists.

Present actor and producer Leonid Yakubovich, musician Andrei Makarevich.

Says screenwriter Emil Bragin genre of urban tales (synchronously).

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