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"Urban sculpture" newsreels and historical clips

Sculpture of Stalin in the Gorky Central Park 1949

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:13, published: 3/5/2021

Scene №1 Sculpture of Stalin in the Gorky Central Park

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Projects of monumental sculptures to Lenin and Stalin 1951

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:24, published: 3/9/2021

Scene №1 Projects of monumental sculptures to Lenin and Stalin

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The project of the sculpture of Stalin for the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition.

The Sculptor Vuchetich 1978

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:36, published: 11/14/2012


1 hour - Rain in the garden. Sculpture "The Motherland"; Stepan Razin.

EV Vucetich in the studio sculpts a bust of R. Kent, which poses. Sculptures.

Interviews EV Vucheticha.



Landscape with a river.

Photographs Vucheticha.

Monuments: General Ephraim, A. Matrosov.

Street DnepropetrovskDnepropetrovsk, Rostov-na-Donu.

Monuments in Moscow and Kiev. 2 hours - Sculptures.


Treptow Park, a monument to the Liberator Soldier.

Photographs Vucheticha.

Vucetich at work.

Volgograd Memorial, a sculpture of "Mother Motherland" on Mamaev Hill.

Reel №1

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... garden.

Sculptural portraits in the garden under the rain.

Vuchetich’s private office.

Newsreel: Vuctetich at work, sculpturing a bust of the American actor R.Kent.

Vuchetich is sculpturing a collective farmer’s bust.

The sculptural portraits of G. Winston, N. Ostrovsky and others in the office.

A library ...

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... men are reaping grass, women are cocking hay.

A man is sharpening a scythe.

The sculpture “Stepan Razin” in the Vuchetich’s workshop.

In the village, on a bank the man is sitting who was the model for Vuchetich’s sculpture “Stepan Razin”.

A fire.

A photo: Vuchetich in a military uniform.

Sculptural portraits ...


Reel №2

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A photo of Vuchetich.

The sculpture “Let’s beat swords into ploughshares” near the UN building in New York.

Passer-by in the street, a child is running.

Berlin, Treptov Park.

The figure of a drooped soldier, bas-reliefs.

The monument to the Soviet soldier in Treptov Park.

People are laying flowers and ...

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... and wreaths.

Newsreel: a model of the Berlin memorial, group of sculptures at the model: the architectures M.V. Posohkhin, Ya.

Belopolsky, Vuchetich.

Fragments of the project.

Vuchetich at work at the monument.

A photo: Vuchetich in his workshop is working on Jeans Duclos’s bust, with apprentices, talking ...

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... Stalingrad battle.

Vuchetich is sculpturing the models of the Memorial on the Mamaev Barrow.

Vuchetich on the Mamaev Barrow at the time of building the memorial.

The sculpture “Rodina-Mat’” [“Motherland”], people are walking to the memorial, people going upstairs, sculptures of soldiers.


The ...

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... Vuchetich with dogs in a garden near the house.

Vuchetich’s workshop, the work on the memorial in honor to winners in the Kursk Battle.

Architectures and sculptures near the model of the Memorial.

The building of the workshop in a garden.

Sculptors in the garden under the rain, children are running under the ...

Monologue background "hurdy-gurdy." 1992

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:27:32, published: 7/29/2014


The film tells the story of the St.

Petersburg artist E. Bersudskom - creator kinematic theater "Jukebox" / moving sculptures /.

Reel №1

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The film introduces the works of St.

Petersburg artist E.Bersudskogo - creator kinematic theater "Jukebox".


Part 1.

Wooden sculptures - kinematics in the artist's studio.

Fragment of kinematic theater "Jukebox".

Spectators in the courtroom. E.Bersudsky backstage. E.Bersudsky passes through ...

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... artist Hieronymus Bosch. E.Bersudsky at work in the studio.

Wooden sculptures - kinematics.

Fragment of E.Bersudskom telecast.

Third part.

Kinematic composition "Kremlin dreamer." E.Bersudsky at work in the studio.

Wooden sculptures - kinematics.

Fragment of kinematic theater "Jukebox".

Spectators ...

Rostov. 1984

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:31, published: 4/6/2023


The most significant ensembles in Rostov, created in the 16th-17th

Russian craftsmen.

Presents paintings and sculptures.

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The Key 1995

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:17, published: 11/10/2012


A film about the original artist from Cherepovets T. Tyufyakinoy creating miniature sculptures out of clay.

Festivities in the park on Carnival.

Santa Claus with children.

Sale balloons.

Driving on threes.

Band sings (synchronously).


Paintings T. Lavrinov.

T. Tyufyakina artist at work


About a unique artist Tatyana Tyufiakina from the town of Cherepovets, who creates miniature sculpture structures of clay.

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Marshal Ion Antonescu 1939-1944

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:31, published: 1/22/2014

Scene №1 Marshal Ion Antonescu

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... and his companions are on the streets of the city.

Antonescu sits in the car and going.

People take off the hat.

Antonescu and his companions go on urban markets.

Antonescu's car departs.

Antonescu and his companions are on the street.

Painting and sculpture of the Tretyakov gallery 1980-1989

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:12:18, published: 7/16/2020

Scene №1


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... Nalbandian, "Brezhnev in the little earth".

Paintings of Soviet artists.

G. G. Ryazhskaya, "Delegate".

N. And.

Andreev, portrait of V. I. Lenin.

Sculpture VI Lenin.

Sculptures on Soviet themes.

V. G. Perov, portrait of Dostoyevsky.

Scene №3


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... Repin, "unexpected".

The paintings on the wall.

V. V. Vereshchagin, "the Apotheosis of war".


M. A. Vrubel "Swan Princess".

Paintings and sculptures in the halls.

Self Portrait By K. P. Briullov.

O. A. Kiprensky, portrait of A. S. Pushkin.


I am undying. 1993

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:48:03, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1

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(Part 1 - Chronicle of modern urban life.

Girl playing the flute.

Landscapes of old Russia.

Noble estates.


Rhode Musorgskis - genealogy.

Portrait of Mussorgsky.

Sketches for the opera "Boris Godunov."

Installation scenery.

Empty theater - orchestra pit.

Gergiev - derizher (C).

Part ...


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... landscape.




Lesson plastics.

Animals studies.

Linden alley with a pass.

Prince Troubetzkoy.

Part 4 - The farmstead "bottleneck."

Prince Paolo Troubetzkoy.

Portrait Troubetzkoy - teacher at the Moscow School of Sculpture and Architecture.

Sculptures Trubeckogo ...

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... Photos Tolstoy.

Troubetzkoy in Yasnaya Polyana.

Tolstoy - sitter (photo).

Equestrian Tolstoy.

Part 5 - Workshop of young sculptors.

Details sculptures.

Troubetzkoy - the fate of the family in 1937) (Part 3 - The director Dolgushin restores ballet "Afternoon of a Faun."

Photos Nezhinsky ballet ...

Reel №3

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... Photo of 1912 in Paris from the Nezhinsky ballet.

Portrait of Nezhinsky.

Newsreel of the early 20th century: Sculptor Auguste Rodin at work on his sculpture.

N. Dolgushin's interview is interspersed with fragments from a modern ballet production.


The Chatelet Theater.

View of the apartment of A ...


Reel №5

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... tells the story of the family's life and about Prince Paolo Trubetskoy.

Trubetskoy is a teacher at the Moscow School of Sculpture and Architecture.

Sculptures of Trubetskoy.

Sculpture of Leo Tolstoy.

Chronicle of 1900-1908: Leo Tolstoy and his wife in Yasnaya Polyana.

Interiors of the Yasnaya Polyana estate ...

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... People's Artist of Russia, tells.

Paolo Trubetskoy is a representative of impressionism in sculpture.

Workshop of young sculptors.

Details of sculptures.

The Trubetskys - the fate of the family in 1937. Sculpture of Jesus Christ mourning humanity.

Continuation of the story of a descendant of the Trubetskys ...


Trubetskoy, Paolo Trubetskoy, Narrow estate in Yasenevo, Yasnaya Polyana, Leo Tolstoy, sculpture

Leningrad chronicles № 3 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:14, published: 9/13/2019


1. Towards the XXVII Congress of the CPSU.

2. The urban report.

3. The exhibition at the Manezh.

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