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News Foreign news footages

Footage of the events and life of foreign countries: foreign and domestic policy, social life, elections, conflicts, celebrations, incidents and etc.

Cover the period from 1982 to 1991.

1. Argentina, Buenos Aires - World Championship in volleyball. 2. India, Faridabad - taming the elephant in the circus to participate in the Asian Games. 3. Salvador - a parade of government troops in a province. The victims of the junta. 4. Oman - Cooperation Council in the Persian Gulf. 5. Switzerland, Geneva - CU.on Princess of Norway presents the award for the UN Commission on Refugees. 6. Syria - visit of the General Secretary of the Socialist Unity Party Erich Honecker in the country. 7. Oslo, Norway, Sweden - Nobel Prize fighters for nuclear disarmament. Committee Meeting of the Nobel prizes. John Teravikh winners. 8. Bolivia, La Paz - the new president takes the oath Zuazo S. Army Commanders. 9. , Moscow, USSR - visit Mengistu Haile Mariam in the country. 10. England - Germany football match England. 11. Japan - the story of the four candidates for the post of the Prime Minister: H. Suzuki, T. Fukuda, T. Komoto, S. Abi. Shooting 1977, 1978, 1982. 12. ? 13. Lebanon - Beirut airport. Checkpoint in West Beirut. Soldiers from the U.S. Marine Corps took up defensive positions on the beach of Beirut. 14. UN - UN meeting on developing country delegates to translating negotiations on the economic recession in the world. 15. Poland, the Vatican, Japan - a special report about the founder of the Polish Solidarity L. Walesa. Filming 1980 -1982 period. 16. England, London - the publication of books for the blind in Braille. 17. USA, Washington - meeting U.S. Secretary of State G. Shultz, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel Shamir. Filming 1974 - 1982 period. 24. Paris, France - Press conference director of the International Federation of Motorsport to withdraw from the competition six-wheeled vehicles. Car on the track. 25. England, Northern Ireland - the campaign of the main political parties in connection with the elections to local assemblies. 26. Lebanon - Aley mountain area, east of Beirut. The consequences of fires ditch. French and Israeli officers. Demolition of buildings. Press Conference tion Lebanese information minister.
1. Lebanon, Beirut - residents return to devastated city. Women and children MS.edi ruins. Residents are things in damaged houses. U.S. ship in the harbor. Damaged zdaiya Embassy of Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates. Said a representative of UNIFEM T. Geksel. 2. England, London - a cheerful children's festival. 3. Kenya, Nairobi - a meeting of the International Telecommunications Union. Delegates condemned Israel's actions in Lebanon. 4. Sweden, Malmo - Poles who flew a biplane, who asked political asylum. 5. Israel, Jerusalem - a demonstration to protest against Israel's policies in Lebanon. Meeting of the Knesset Committee on the Palestinian issue. Insert Recha member commission investigating the massacre in the Palestinian refugee camps Chabrier and Shatila. 6. England, Northern Ireland - a tense situation on the eve of elections to local assemblies. The bombings in the machines. Union leader George Molino said of the attack. School, broken windows. Vote. 7. Spain - special report for the general elections in the country. 8. Argentina, Buenos Aires - mnogtysyachny rally Peronists. Dwell Paiute D. Bittel Peronist leader and leader of the Central Labour Confederation Ubaldini. Gathered burn U.S. flags and England. 9. Salvador - attack government forces in the northern provinces. 10. Yugoslavia - Belgrade, England - London football. 11. France, Paris - French President Mitterrand met with Presi dent Lebanon Gemayel. Vatican - Lebanese President Gemayel met with Pope John Paul 2. Italy, Rome - a meeting with Italian President Gemayel Pertini. 12. Sri Lanka, Colombo - the presidential election vote. 13. England, Belfast - elections to local assemblies. Kan won the republican party Sinn Fein. 14. Sri Lanka, Colombo - the presidential election. On the second of six elected MS.ok Jayawardena. 15. Spain - special report on the leaders of the various political parties before the general election. Filming 1977 - 1982 period. 16. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro - Preparing for the general election. 17. India, New Delhi - Journalists protest demonstration against the introduction of a new press law.
1. China: Canton, Beydzhin - Centre national census. Officials nickname fills the document. Book of birth control. 2. Afghanistan, Argentina, El Salvador, Chile, Syria, South Africa, Iran - spetsrepo rtazh shenii violation of human rights in different countries. 3. Australia, Canberra - a demonstration of miners and workers Steelbreaker Thain industry against rising unemployment. 4. USA, Washington DC - interview with President Reagan on the decline in inflation. North Carolina - a pre-election tour of Ronald Reagan. New York - a demonstration of the unemployed. 5. Argentina - the search for relatives of missing persons. 6. Israel, Tel Aviv - working groups El Al airport block port in protest against the government's plan is the reconstruction of the airports, which will lead to job losses. 7. Spain, - preparation for the general elections. 9. UN - General Assembly meeting on Cambodia. When absent the former Prince Sihanouk. Act as the interim representative of the USSR A. Troyanovsky. 10. Thailand - Thai troops convoy. Helicopter in the air. Weapons and ammunition. 11. Guatemala - the tense situation in the country. Checking vehicles at a checkpoint. Refugee camps. Food stores. 12. Zimbabwe - the visit of the President of Botswana. 13. England, Northern Ireland - bomb attack on Catholic Pohorje tries before the elections to the local Assamleyu. 14. Spain, Madrid - the leader of the People's Alliance at the polling station. Secretary General votes Spanish Socialist Workers' Party F. Gonzalez. 15. U.S., Canada, Brazil - football. Review of sporting events for 1975 - 1982 years. 16. Iraq - a meeting of President Hussein with Kurdish leaders. 17. Tuvalu, Funafuti - the visit of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. 18. Spain, Madrid - the results of the general elections. The officer read out the result of voting. The crowd applauds. Celebration in the streets. 19. USA, San Antonio - a test of a new drug, which helps in the treatment of heart and other diseases. 20. Guatemala - tensions that followed the March perevoro. CU.estyane who fled their homes and live in refugee camps. 21. Argentina - start of a new nuclear reactor in Barilohe.
1. Iran, Tehran - for the opening of the embassy representative of the Polisario Front, led the struggle in the Western Sahara. 2. Spain, Madrid - preparing for the World Cup. Ment profit Brazilian team. Bernabeu stadium and the caldera. Accreditation, souvenirs in the shop windows. 3. France - French Princess of Wales takes korolevs Kuyu CU.ovat 16th century. 4. Lebanon, Beirut - Street clashes between rival factions in E. 5. South Africa, the Transkei - CU.upneyshy world newborn weight of 10, 2 lbs. 6. England - Margaret Thatcher's statement on the Falkland Islands. Argentina - statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs that the Falkland Islands are part of Argentina. 7. Israel, Jerusalem - Egyptian delegation met with Israeli President Navon and Foreign Minister Shamir. 8. Japan - Prime Minister Zhao Ziyang, China with Emperor Hirohito. Argentina, Buenos Aires - Argentine wounded disembark from the ship into port. 15. France, Paris - U.S. President Ronald Reagan during his trip to Europe, meets with French President Mitterrand. 16. Germany - football match Germany-Poland. 17. Argentina - Argentine television movie about the attack British troops in Port Stanley. The group, which received visa, will fly to New York. 23. Argentina - accelerated pilot training at one of the bases of Argentina. France, Paris - meeting British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and U.S. President Ronald Reagan, who endorsed the British position on the Falkland Islands. 24. Lebanon - Israeli warplanes bombed Beirut.

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